The idea of people living together is as old as the the human race. The need to gather and hunt food, share stories and experiences, protect the village or go to war together is nothing new. Srength in numbers is a well recognized concept and is still used to this day. Kibbutz Oasis was founded on the vision and experience of people that are choosing to live together in order to grow and develop themselves in a supportive atmosphere.
The word Kibbutz comes from the Hebrew word “Kvutza” which means: A group. Kibbutz was the togetherness of Jewish people in East Europe learning their bible in a group setting, and from there it migrated to Israel and was used to describe a group of people that live together and share the community assets, work and responsibilities.
In Kibbutz Oasis we apply the values that drove Israeli communities to thrive socially and gain financial freedom and also add to those values of caring and sharing a flavor of spirituality and consciousness.